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Peak Mountain 3

Armadillo, The



Continuing along past The Sun Boulder east and then more north east, below the slope, and before you get to the main clusters, there are scattered boulders, two of which I would classify as major. The first (need a name) and then The Armadillo. The Armadillo is down near the hemlocks, so is a bit of a chia boulder. About 6 or 7 years ago, Dave Quinn and I cleaned a lot on it and put up routes pretty much all around it, though a few good ones were left. Unfortunately, much of it has grown back and it is looking pretty green these days. It would be well worth a cleaning party to spend a few days brushing it up again, as it is full of good lines, from easy ones up the featured slab that you will see as you first approach, and a nice warm up crack to more heady ones on the back side and up the arete..grades from fun VB to maybe V4 or 5.



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