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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start left hand on a three finger undercling/sidepull and a good right hand. Do a move to a bad left hand crimp. Move your right hand up a bit and then do a big move to a big juggy edge. From there move up through the opening in the boulders to the top. The top is where a spotter is handy as a fall from here will likely result in smacking your back on the boulder behind you as fall. This is a good warm-up problem on granite that is much better than what can be found in the rest of the canyon.


Once you've reached the boulder garden, follow the trail over the boulders to the bottom of the wash, then turn right and look for a big cave above a 6 ft boulder. The problem starts on the left side of the cave, near the back, on a large boulder.


Pad and a spotter.

Routes in Red Wall

  1. 2
2000 km
1000 mi