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Peak Mountain 3

Fat Jacket

FA Mike Bond (a bunch of retro bolts by unknown)


An obvious line up a corner. 90 feet of fun. Mostly good rock. However, there is some loose rock on the first ledge and just before the last bolt on the mini ledge. It's not chossy, but the loose rock on these ledges suggests that a helmet is a good idea for the belayer.

This route would be easy if I wasn't wearing my Fat Jacket


This is the first route you will encounter after turning left off the little falls trail. It's only about 100 yards off the main trail. It's not really on the Walden wall but rather about 200 yards prior to Walden.


11 bolts to Double Mussy Anchor

This route was bolted solely for the purpose of allowing for the first ascent, and the first ascent information is posted here solely to document the history of the first ascent. No person should read this posting with the assumption that this route or the fixed gear left behind is safe in any way or otherwise appropriate to allow for safe subsequent ascents. Climbing is dangerous and should only be done with the appropriate training and risk management practices that include providing for the climberÂ’'s own safety. Attempting to climb this route as described above or by any other means or methods could result in injury or death.