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Peak Mountain 3

Bad Kitty

FA Brian Cabe & Leann Jones 7 May 2011
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Bad Kitty starts at the second pitch seam that runs across this wall.  So...not at ground level but above the first pitch of Pink.Start above Pink.  Scramble just right past the bush into the back of the shallow corner.  Scramble up lower angle ramp to low angle chimney slot.  Climb up then slightly right up blocky holds.Take care with loose rock especially from the anchor on Pink to the back of the wall.  Anchor is two bolts connected by a chain.  Lower hanger has a single ring for lower off or rappel.  Vertically oriented anchor in the style of the Fixe "traditional anchor".  Single rappel ring is a stainless 10mm ring rated at 30kN or higher.Options to gain the ground:  Rappel back to Pink anchor, or, Vajazzling anchor then descend from either of those anchors to ground (take care especially if someone is below or climbing or staging to climb either route).  Or Lower back to Pink anchor or Vajazzling anchor.  Unknown how long a rope would be needed (70m or more) to rappel to the ground from the Bad Kitty anchor.  Take care if attempting to lower to the ground (belayer/lowerer should stay tied in to rope at ground or Pink anchor).Fun route on solid, blocky holds.


Located above Pink and to the right of the second pitch of Melted Soup.  Start is left into alcove around corner from anchor on Vajazzling.Left of Blue Waffle (5.6) which is also on the second pitch tier on this wall.Pitch above anchor on Bad Kitty is "Top Shot" (5.10c).


7 lead bolts to vertically oriented two bolt anchor: chain to one ring (on lower bolt hanger). Single ring (stainless 10mm rated to 30Kn) for rappel or lower.

2000 km
1000 mi