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Peak Mountain 3

Strong Cowboy

FA Unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Strong Cowboy starts in the upside down T under the roof of Disco Biscuit, right in the middle of the boulder. Figure out what hands you like (well fingers) and position yourself under the crack the runs up the roof.Lift off and become a Long Cowboy or a Strong Cowboy to make this one come together. Enjoy a classic boulderer's boulder mantle or jam out like a trad climber. Exit up the slab to topout. Best Walkoff is to the right.


(34.7492977, -98.7708208)

Park at the west cattleguard in HWY 49 after passing Sunset parking and continuing west beyond Choss Boss.

Park and walk back east to the bridge and turn right south. Walk 2-4 min south and you will find Disco Biscuit.


1-2 pads and spotter

2000 km
1000 mi