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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sit start on a low jug below the left-side arete and trend slightly up and right on the face following great pockets, edges, and jugs to a tall-ish top out (V1-2). Staying on the left side of the arete is easier (V0), and there's a great variation traversing further right that has a long move on slopey pockets (V3).Note: This excellent boulder is slightly overhung and has a great, flat landing with a handful of fun problems and variations from V0-V4. It's absolutely been climbed in the past, but I spent some time in Jan 2021 giving it a thorough clean-up (aside from the wet/mossy crack in the middle). Between this and the handful of other problems in this zone, it's worth the jaunt for some easy-moderate bouldering. This area tends to have a nice, warm micro-climate in the cold months.


Located below Grey Matter directly off of the orange/blue-blazed trail. This describes the second from the left most route on the photo topo. 

2000 km
1000 mi