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Peak Mountain 3

Sheep Scat

FA Roy Suggett
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start low in a left facing dihedral after moving past several bolts reach the intrsection between the two main blocks that form the climb. Getting on the second block is the crux. Edgy and exposed! If you can not clip the bolt here it may be good to set gear a bit lower where you casually passed a few moves back.


The route starts low on the formation and is in an obvious left facing dihedral. Move up and left passing several bolts to the intersection of the two main blocks and left of of the arete. Here some small trad gear may be used to cover the first move on to the second block if you can not reach the bolt. The face climbing here is really good! Bolts to chains.


Quick draws and runners, perhaps some small cams and wires.

1000 km
1000 mi