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Peak Mountain 3

Right Side Overhang

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The crux is keeping your feet on through the first few moves. Heel or toe hooking is useful here. Starts lowsih on a right knob and left in the flared crack with a knob. Make a long move up to another knob and work your feet around so that you can move your other hand up to match and move to a higher knob. Continue up bigger holds to the top. Beware the "Sandias solid" flake near the top on the right that you don't really want to pull on if you can avoid it.


This problem climbs the right arete of the taller down hill face from a some what low start on a knob for the right hand and a knob in a flared crack for the left.


Pad and spotter

2000 km
1000 mi