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Peak Mountain 3

Lakeshore Loon

FA: James Garrett, FFA: Maloney, Rosenthal and Garrett, 1997
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023



Destination Unknown

. This is a really fun clip-up with varied, high quality climbing on edges and slopers. P1 starts with clipping a bolt and then some sinker hand jams for a few moves to gain a small bulge. Traverse left and onto the arete with a fun, defined crux. You can combine P1 with P2, which is bouldery, easy .10 slab and edge climbing up to a nice belay ledge that gets late afternoon shade. P3 has tightly spaced bolts in a shallow dihedral to an arete with a killer softball sloper. This pitch is fun, hard .10 insecurity way off the deck. The first and last pitch are really fun and the rock is bomber.


Starts the bottom of the


just left of the gully separating it from the

Severity Butress



Bolts mixed with lots of pika hangers. I think we had about 16 draws and a few of those were long runners. P1 anchors are tat but you can rap from the bottom of P3 with a 70m rope.

Routes in Syringe

1000 km
500 mi