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Peak Mountain 3

Cold Ass Honkies

FA Ben Kiessel & Matt King
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start off the berm just off the trail. The first bolt has to be stick clipped. There are no holds to climb into the first bolt from the ground. After clipping the first bolt, start just below the bolt with your feet on two good features. From there, follow incredible, grippy, patina features straight up past 6 bolts to a two bolt chain anchor just below an overhaning cap rock.

There is a new stick clip attached to the large pine tree on the downhill side. Please keep this in that area. Thanks!


This is on the left side of the Waterfall and Overlook areas, just eight feet to the left of the unnamed drilled piton route before you get to "The Matrix" (Marcus Garcia). Walk up the burm to the left of the trail to access both these routes.



1000 km
500 mi