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Peak Mountain 3

Ferrous Bueller's Day Off

FA Maybe.. TR only so far, Burt Lindquist, Doug Hemken, and Gokul Gopal
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This climb takes the steep but broken wall to the right of the route "Jason's Folly".  First 50 feet is steep rock climbing with small side pulls and horizontals pulling onto one ledge at 20 feet and then second ledge at 40 feet.  From second ledge climb easier broken rock up under a very small overhang/horizontal.... then climb the hanging left slanting hand crack to the top.  The top out moves are strenuous.. Clocks in at solid 5.9.


This climb takes the steep but broken wall to the right of the route "Jason's Folly".  There is an obvious treed up ledge at just over half height.  There is a corner crack that goes up from the left side of this treed ledge that is a separate climb.


TR only so far but upper hanging hand crack would easily take cams. TR anchor was achieved with long slings from trees at the top.

500 km
500 mi