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Peak Mountain 3

Watching Me

FA Lee Hansche 9/12/17 (rope solo)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Fun slab climbing on immaculate rock. The ONLY down side to this one in my opinion is that the two engaging parts are split by a ledge in the middle. The first half is some of the best 5.6 friction climbing ive done and the top bit is a slightly harder puzzle to gain the chains.

You can top out the route and belay from a big ash tree if you are continuing on to one of the upper pitches. A quick scamper through the trees gets you to a comfy hang out spot and a more climbs.

Start on the right side of the slab on an obvious big hold. Use this to gain a stance and clip a bolt. Move up and left on to the dreamy slab and past 3 more bolts. At the ledge find the next couple of bolts and head that way. I dug out a crack on the right as the angle increases again. Clip 2 bolts without much trouble then smear your way up to the anchor (crux) as the wall steepens. The way I climb it is a biit to the right of the bolt line. Settle in to your feet for best results. It is possible to mantle on the left as well but I didn't plan the bolting around that so take care. Lower off or top out to belay from the tree.


As you are getting to The Dark Side you will see the flake start of View Finder Just before you get to View Finder look for a cairn on your left head up hill at the cairn and zig zag the path of least resistance looking right toward the rock and you should see the perfect slab through the trees.


6 bolts and a couple pieces of trad gear to a 2 bolt anchor. I used a #1 cam off the ground and a #3 in a dug out crack up on the ledge between the steeper sections.

2000 km
1000 mi