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Peak Mountain 3

Killa Bee Swarm

FA Kyle Rowden
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


One of the more classic lines in the Heber Springs Region and on some of the better stone for Mossy Bluff.Begin with a SDS on a left facing flat block side pull with a R-hand pinch at the top of the mini-dihedral start. Traverse low and left to a R-hand sloping jug and throw left ot a bad sloper crimp/pinch at the base of the crack. Match hands and move left to an intermediate pocket (or straight up to the good jug/pinch) then up and left to the flat ledge and along the flank of the overhand up to a reach/deadpoint to a large hand friendly hold and either mantle up and reach R-hand to the good side pull in the hueco or deadpoint up to this hold and then topout.


Same start as "Paper Wasp".Good idea to go check the topout before you try this and make sure it's clean.

Routes in Honeycomb

  1. 1
    Killa Bee Swarm
2000 km
1000 mi